本通知建立了正规博彩十大网站排名(“正规博彩十大网站排名”)的隐私声明为其网站位于肯尼索.edu(“网站”),并遵守有关所收集数据的任何适用的数据隐私标准和法律要求, 包括遵守欧盟通用数据保护条例(“EU GDPR”).  This Notice describes the type of information 正规博彩十大网站排名 collects from visitors to this Site, 我们怎么处理这些信息, and how visitors can update and control the use of information collected by this Site. 


正规博彩十大网站排名(正规博彩十大网站排名)致力于确保您的信息隐私. 正规博彩十大网站排名在本网站收集两种信息:1)通过访问本网站和参加计划自愿提供的信息;2)在浏览本网站时自动收集的信息. 

由访问者自愿提供的信息寻求访问各种功能和信息包括, 除此之外, 名字, address, 电话号码. 您选择通过本网站提供的任何个人信息将根据本通知的规定受到保护. 若贵公司拒绝提供贵公司所要求的个人资料,而贵公司是根据贵公司的合法依据收集该等个人资料, such refusal may make it impossible for 正规博彩十大网站排名 to provide education, 就业, 或其他请求的服务.

Information automatically collected includes the user’s IP address, date and time of the website access along with the web pages(s) visited. 除了, 正规博彩十大网站排名 may also collect any information that it receives from your web browser, 包括浏览器类型和版本, 操作系统.  This information helps us understand aggregate uses of our site, 跟踪使用趋势,改进我们的服务. Additionally, university web sites use cookies to collect certain information. Cookies are small pieces of data that are sent by our Website to your Web browser. 它们存储在您的计算机上,用于改善您的网络体验和提高网络内容的可用性. We may also use cookies to pre-fill forms so that you do not need to re-enter data. 接受cookie并不会让我们访问您的计算机或任何有关您的个人信息.


大学网站内的链接可能会将您引导到与正规博彩十大网站排名无关的其他网站.  正规博彩十大网站排名 is not responsible for the privacy practices, 政策, 行动, 网页内容, 服务, 或我们链接到的非ksu网站的产品. 这些链接不打算, 它们也不构成, 正规博彩十大网站排名对连结材料的认可.  我们鼓励您阅读其他网站的隐私声明,以确保他们的做法保护您的隐私.

Security and Accuracy of Confidential Information

正规博彩十大网站排名将尽最大努力合理地确保从您那里获得的个人信息是准确的. 访问者可以在任何时候查看通过网站保存或提交的信息,直到信息被清除. If there is an error in your personal information, we will correct the information upon your request, 哪些可以提交 dataprivacy@美国政府.edu

我们已经制定了合理的物理措施, 技术, 以及旨在防止未经授权访问我们收集和使用的在线信息的管理保障措施. 同时,我们努力通过加密和其他方式保护访问者的个人信息, we cannot guarantee or warrant the security of the information you transmit to us, 以及如果您选择使用本网站, 你这样做的风险自负. 

If you post any data within a public forum on any 正规博彩十大网站排名 website, that data is now public. 


正规博彩十大网站排名 is committed to maintaining the privacy of your personal information. 通过网站提交的任何信息将仅用于提交页面上所述的目的.  正规博彩十大网站排名 does not actively share personal information gathered from the Site, except:

  • as required by law (including but not limited to the 乔治亚州公开记录法案);
  • 在必要时保护正规博彩十大网站排名的利益;
  • as necessary to further research efforts pursuant to approvals from the appropriate data stewards and the Institutional Review Board;
  • 和/或与代表大学的合同服务提供商合作,他们同意保护数据的机密性.  

正规博彩十大网站排名 also complies with the 家庭 Educational Rights and Privacy Act (“FERPA”), 在没有学生许可的情况下,通常禁止(有一些例外)发布教育记录. 请访问 正规博彩十大网站排名的FERPA网站 了解更多信息.

European Union General Data Protection Regulation (EU GDPR) Privacy Notice

Lawful Basis for Collecting and Processing of Personal Data

正规博彩十大网站排名是一所高等教育机构, 研究和社区参与. 让正规博彩十大网站排名在课堂上教育学生 and on-line, engage in world-class research, and provide community 服务, it is essential, necessary, and 正规博彩十大网站排名 has lawful bases to collect, process, use, and maintain data of its students, employees, applicants, research subjects, and others involved in its educational, research, and 社区项目. 合法依据包括 limitation, admission, registration, delivery of classroom, on-line, and study abroad education, grades, communications, 就业, applied research, development, program analysis for improvements, and records retention. 正规博彩十大网站排名可能需要的数据示例 to collect in connection with the lawful bases are: 名字, email address, IP address, 实际地址或其他位置标识,照片,以及一些敏感的个人信息 数据获得事先同意.

For more information regarding the EU GDPR, please review Kennesaw State’s EU General Data Protection Regulation Compliance Policy.  正规博彩十大网站排名根据正规博彩十大网站排名欧盟一般资料保护规例合规政策收集或处理的所有个人资料及敏感个人资料,必须符合正规博彩十大网站排名政策的安全控制、系统及流程要求和标准.


  1. Processing is necessary for the purposes of the legitimate interests pursued by 正规博彩十大网站排名 or third parties in providing education, 就业, research and development, and 社区项目.
  2. Processing is necessary for the performance of a contract to which 的数据 subject 是当事人还是为了在进入前应资料当事人的要求采取措施 签订合同. This lawful basis pertains primarily but not exclusively to research 合同.
  3. Processing is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation to which 正规博彩十大网站排名 is subject.
  4. 资料当事人已同意为一个或多个特定目的处理他或她的个人资料.  这一法律基础主要适用于保护研究对象,但并非唯一适用于保护研究对象.

There will be some instances where the collection and processing of personal data 是否有其他合法依据.

Where 正规博彩十大网站排名 Obtains Personal Data and Special Categories of Sensitive Personal Data

本校从多个来源接收个人资料及特殊类别的敏感个人资料. 最常, 该数据直接来自数据主体或在数据主体的指导下提供给第三方(例如, application for admission to 正规博彩十大网站排名 through use of the Common App). 

Individual Rights of the Data Subject under the EU GDPR


  • information about the controller collecting 的数据
  • 的数据 protection officer contact information
  • the purposes and legal basis/legitimate interests of 的数据 collection/processing
  • 个人资料的接收者
  • 若本校有意将个人资料转移至其他国家或国际组织
  • 个人资料储存的期限
  • the existence of the right to access, rectify incorrect data or erase personal data, restrict or object to processing, and the right to data portability
  • the existence of the right to withdraw consent at any time
  • the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority (established in the EU)
  • 为什么需要提供个人资料,以及不提供个人资料可能造成的后果 的数据
  • the existence of automated decision-making, including profiling
  • if the collected data are going to be further processed for a purpose other than that 它就是为此被收集起来的

Note: Exercising of these rights is a guarantee to be afforded a process and not the 结果的保证.


Website Data Collected and Why; Cookies

请参阅 “收集资料的类别及原因” 有关从本校网站及cookies收集的资料的详情.

Security of Personal Data subject to the EU GDPR

正规博彩十大网站排名根据正规博彩十大网站排名欧盟一般数据保护条例合规政策收集或处理的所有个人数据必须符合组织安全控制措施, 标准, 流程和政策.  如你对本通知有任何疑问或认为你的个人资料在未经你同意的情况下被泄露,或你希望更正本校所持有的资料, 请透过电邮联络我们 dataprivacy@美国政府.edu.



As an entity of the government of the State of Georgia, 正规博彩十大网站排名 is subject to the provisions of the 乔治亚州公开记录法案 (ORA). Except for those records that are exempt from disclosure under the ORA, 法律规定,所有公民都有权应要求查看国家机构的记录,并收费复制.  For more information on 正规博彩十大网站排名’s ORA compliance, please visit the 打开记录 Requests page on the Division of Legal Affairs website


正规博彩十大网站排名 keeps 的数据 it collects for the time periods specified in the University System of Georgia Records Retention Schedules

For examples of Student Records Retention Schedules, see: http://www.usg.edu/records_management/schedules/934

For examples of Human Resources (Employment) Records Retention Schedules, see: http://www.usg.edu/records_management/schedules/930